About Us
Secure Remote Access is in our DNA
Our expertise in security is confirmed by years of experience, hundreds of satisfied customers and a global distribution channel.
Our mission is to design the friendliest and most reliable solutions to arm organizations against the abuse of privileges.
Our products allow you to monitor the activity of users with access to critical assets, help you manage the password policy and alert you in case of any suspicious behavior.
We respect your business!
We combine the strongest security features with a business approach. Using our solutions will unburden your team to ensure they can focus on what matters for your company. Let us prove our outstanding speed of deployment, our user-friendly operating modes and our excellent post-sales support.
Not just for the big guys
We're nearby
Who could understand your needs better than your local supplier? We believe local projects should be handled by the ones who understand your specific needs. That’s why our partner channel is constantly growing.
We are happy to educate and equip fellow experts with the perfect tools to fight privilege misuse. We find flexibility crucial in answering the needs of our customers.